About Us

At Data Horizons we recognise that Data is arguably a company’s most important asset (after its people and customers – both of which rely on data). We strive to help organisations realise and benefit from the Value of their information assets by understanding, protecting, and using the data to the best possible outcome.

Data Horizons began operations in 2020, established by data professionals with over 35 years’ experience in data management. It is built on the premise that quality data management solutions, services and training should be accessible to companies of all sizes and that these should be able to grow as your company grows. Consequently, we cater for solutions that address the needs of large corporates as well companies that operate in the medium to small business sectors.

Questions? Get in touch.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about our services or training.

Your Privacy Matters

When we collect your personal information, we always inform you of your rights and make it easy for you to exercise them. Where possible, we also let you manage your preferences about how much information you choose to share with us, or our partners. Please read our Privacy Notice