Data Governance, Data Quality and Master Data Management

We believe that after your employees and customers, data is your organisation’s most important asset.

Understanding, classifying, and ensuring the quality of this important data is essential, and we are experts in helping organisations manage data governance practically and comprehensively.

Data Governance, Data Quality and Master Data Management with Ataccama

Data Horizons is a preferred Ataccama partner, the leading Data Governance, Data Quality and Master Data Management platform. Discover the power of the Data Fabric with Data Horizons and Ataccama.

Download your free copy of the 2022 State of Data Quality ebook


Our solutions and services include:

  • Capability Maturity Assessments
  • Planning and implementing a data governance program, setting up the right structures and roles and establishing Data Stewardship
  • Data Quality Management
  • Master and Reference Data Management
  • Using The world’s leading data governance platforms, provided as self-managed solution or as a fully managed service, we establish and automate these processes to achieve the full spectrum of data governance and information risk management
  • Metadata and Data Discovery and Classification
  • Training for Data Governance, Stewardship, Master Data Management and Data Quality Management

Our Data Governance Solutions

(incl. Data Discovery, Metadata Catalogue & Business Glossary, Data Quality & Master Data Management and Data Stewardship)


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